Setting User Access

If you would prefer for other users not to have full access to your MojoTxt account, you can set limits on a per-user basis.  You can find the user access settings in the Account Settings > Users area of MojoTxt. Simply choose (or create) a user, and use the "User Access" box to choose the items in your account that this user should have access to.  By default, new users will have the same permissions that you have.  If this sort of thing isn't familiar to you, read on to learn exactly how this feature works.

About User Access

A Tree of Cascading Permissions

In the User Access box, you will see all of the items in your account organized as a tree. Permissions that you set at higher levels of the tree will automatically cascade down to lower branches. For example, if the "Entire Account" item is selected, the user will have permission to access every item in the account – even items that you create in the future.

Access Levels

Clicking the circles in the tree will change the access level of a particular branch. The access level options are...

  • Hidden (Gray) - The user cannot see or access these items. Clicking a hidden item will change its level to Allowed.
  • Allowed (Green) - The user can see and access these items. Clicking an allowed item will change its level to Hidden.
  • Allowed by Inheritance (Light Green) - The user can see and access these items, because access to a higher level is Allowed. Clicking an Allowed by Inheritance item will change its level to Blocked.
  • Visible (Yellow) - The user is able to see this item, because one or more items underneath it are accessible. However, they are not granted permission to modify this item. Clicking a Visible item will change its level to Allowed.
  • Blocked (Red) - The user cannot see or access these items. Clicking a Blocked item will change its level back to Allowed by Inheritance.
  • Blocked by Inheritance (Light Red) - The user cannot see or access these items, because access to a higher level is Blocked. Clicking a Blocked by Inheritance item has no effect.